It is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Lauren!

Happy 5th Birthday Lauren!

What we love about you....

You are the kindest girl we know. You care so much about other people and are such a great friend. You have the sweetest personality.

You give the best hugs. You love with your whole heart.

You are very smart. When you work hard at something you do amazingly well. Your dad and I are so proud of you.

You have tons of energy! You have lots of spirit and love life!

Your favorite things....

riding your bike
gymnastics & dance
(you got to do tap today for the first time and LOVED it!!)
having me read to you!

We hope you know how special you are. You are such a blessing to our family and we cannot imagine our life without you in it. You add so much joy to our lives and make us proud of you every day. You work so hard at everything you do and always have a smile on your face. We wish you all the happiness in the world and want you to know that you can be or do anything you want in life as long as you set your mind to it and work for it. I hope you never lose your zest for life, anyone who knows you will be better because of it! Always keep God at the center of your life. Life will be hard and you will have struggles but as long as you have God with you and you have faith they won't seem so hard. We will ALWAYS be here for you to help you, guide you, laugh with you, cry with you and have good times together. We want you to know that you can come to us with anything and we will help you through. You are a beautiful girl. Do not let anyone tell you different. Everyone is made unique and that is what makes each person special. You have the sweetest smile and the best laugh. Always be you....That is the girl we love :)

Love, Mom and Dad

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