It is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mini Hot Shot

This past semester Lauren has been doing very well at gymanstics! In January she was moved from Tumblebugs 2 to Supertumblebugs. Some things she learned this semester

  • bridge
  • tuck jump/stratle jump/straight jump on trampoline and floor
  • vault squat on
  • can do most walks on the high beam by herself
  • can pull her chin to the bar by herself/great arm strength
  • almost climb the rope by herself

Her class reccommended for next semester is Mini Hot Shots!! This is an INVITATION ONLY fast track program offered to young athletes who have established high gymnastics ability and will most likely join the team program in a few years! We are so proud of her!! Way to go Lauren!

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. Galations 6:4

Opening Ceremonies

Saturday afternoon was Opening Ceremonies for Little League. It was our first time participating and I am glad we did! They had each team (starting with Tball and ending with Senior girls softball) parade around the field as they announced them. They presented awards for candy sales, presented the Color Guard and sang the National Anthem. They also had a pastor come and say a prayer for the teams.
We are looking foreward to a fun season!
Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. Isaiah 26:4

Friday, April 23, 2010

More School

Another great midterm!

Emma drew this flower freehand by looking at a real flower~ we thought she did an amazing job! Look at all that beautiful detail.

They also had to find surfaces to color over that would show their texture, and then they put them all together to make thier initials,

Her story about Panda's

Emma with her friends Jayda and Emma G. at recess

The Lord rejoices in all he has made! Psalm 104:31

Friday, April 16, 2010


Emma had her very first Softball scrimmage tonight. We are beyond excited to move on from Tball. She was having a little trouble with batting, when she connected with the ball she did great, she just needed to get her timing down and build up some confidence. She is fortunate to have WONDERFUL coaches who have taken a lot of time to work with all of them. We practiced a little before the scrimmage tonight at the park and she seemed to be improving. Emma hit the ball and made it to base every time she batted! The entire team did very well at hitting all night. It was a great game to watch. we were leaving one of the coaches told her she was the MVP hitter of the night!!
God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. Romans 5:5

Published Poet

Emma's poem was published in a book this past fall and we just recieved it in the mail today! She was so excited to see her very own poem in a book!
God cares....Right down to the last detail. James 5:11

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Picnic at the Park

Today was a beautiful day (81 degrees!) and I only had 4 daycare kids so I was able to take them to the park. I also picked up my nephew Mason so he could come play with us. Tif, Hannah and Noah met us there and we had such a great time! We spent 3 hours enjoying the fresh air and sunshine! A big thanks to Tif for the extra set of eyes and hands!

We also had a picnic lunch
And look what Lauren learned to do at gymnastics last night!!!

He fills my life with good things. Psalm 103:5

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Birthday

Daddy, Happy Birthday! I miss you a lot. I hope you do good at your school! We will pray for you! I hope you get to celebrate today,we will have a party here for you. Love, Emma

Daddy, Happy Birthday! I love you daddy. I miss you. I am riding my bike, I wish you were here with me. Happy Birthday! Love, Lauren

Jason's 35th birthday is today! He left for Sniper School Friday, so we celebrated last Wednesday with family at our house. We had a great time but are missing him today, we wish he was here to celebrate but we also know he is doing what he loves! We also want to congratulate him on passing his first event yesterday! We know he will do great.

Jason has also been on alert to deploy late this summer. Friday he was informed that is was official. His deployment date is July 29. Please keep us in your prayers, as this will be hard for all of us.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him; and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Last Song

Easter Sunday I took Emma and Madison to see the movie 'The Last Song'. The book was so good and after watching the preview at the Miley Cyrus concert last fall we were anxious to go see it. I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan and have loved all his books! The movie did not dissapoint! We loved it! It stayed true to the book (as most of the movies they base off his books do). I would reccommend taking the time to go see it!

And while we were there we saw a preview for another great movie coming in May:

Emma is still asking me when it will be it the theater! We can't wait!
Be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Sunday

The girls left carrots for th EB. This is one of the fun traditions we do every year. Along with getting up and seeing what the EB left in their baskets and who always leaves and egg hunt! It is so fun and exciting for them. Of course, I am trying to get pictures of memories that I want to save forever. We then got ready to go to the church to have breakfast before the 9:30 service. I always have intentions of attending the sunrise service, but the thought of getting all of us ready and doing Easter Baskets is very frightening to me. It is already hectic enough trying to be there by 8:30! But while we were eating breakfast, I asked one of the girls who was serving us how they made it to early service with easter baskets to do before - they do their Easter Baskets after church!! It is so simple; and better because the real reason of Easter is celebrated first. I cannot wait to start this new improved tradition next year!
My parents joined us this year for Easter service. It was so nice to have them there. Along with my sister Mindy and her kids and Tif and Hannah. It was a nice service with the wonderful message of the resurrection.

After church we went to my parents house so the kids could have an egg hunt on the hill behind their house. We were so grateful to my parents for doing this for them ~ the kids really loved it! I also got a great picture of my parents and the girls on their deck!

As I have mentioned before our family gets together for every holiday around noon. My grandparents (my mom's parents) have always done this. I grew up attending these but am not sure I truly appreciated them until I was older. It is such a blessing for everyone to celebrate together and really enjoy family. I am so joyful the girls have these traditions in their life!

Emma's Easter Basket

Lauren's Easter Basket

Celebrating Grandpa Lingrens 83rd Birthday on Easter day

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5: 15,17