It is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3rd Quarter Update

Emma has been having a fabulous year in Second Grade! I can't believe it is almost over, only a few more months and she will be a 3rd Grader! 
 Report Card

I had her conference Monday night and here are a few things her teacher had to say:

She started off by telling me how well Emma gets along with everyone. Emma is a good friend to everyone and gets along well with the other kids in her class. I cannot stress how proud this makes me! One of the biggest things I stress to Emma is how important it is to be a good friend. We have had problems with the girls in Emma's class starting in Kindergarten regarding being Popular and only being someones friend "sometimes" ( it seemed extremely crazy to me that girls this young knew what "popular" was and that this started so early!!) We had many tears throughout our kindergarten year and I was really struggling with  how to deal with these issues. There is such a fine line between being kind and letting people walk all over you and I was just trying to find the best way to handle the situation. Ultimately I just stressed to Emma how important it was to be nice to everyone and include everyone. I explained that Popularity was not determined by the clothes you wear, the way you act, or things you own but by the way you treated others. The most popular people are those who have lots of friends and being nice and including everyone is the best way to do that! 

Emma is doing fantastic academically! She is an extremely hard worker and listens well. 

I was most surprised by her Iowa Test Of Basic Skills Results!! WOW!

Score Interpretations for Emma:
Emma was given the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in February 2011. At the time of testing, she was in Second grade in Trinity Lutheran Boone.

The Composite score can be used to describe a student's overall achievement on the tests. Emma earned a Composite grade equivalent of 4.0 on the Level 8 test. This means that her test performance was approximately the same as that of a typical student in the fourth grade at the beginning of the school year. Emma's Composite national percentile rank of 96 means that she scored higher than 96 percent of second grade students nationally. Her overall achievement appears to be high for second grade.

Learning to read is an important part of second grade. Emma's Reading Comprehension score is high when compared with those of other students in second grade nationally (she scored 99% higher than other 2nd graders nationally-testing at a 6th Grade 6th month level!). Two areas that contribute to reading comprehension are Vocabulary and Listening. Emma's score in Vocabulary is above average (she scored 90% higher than other 2nd graders-testing at a 4th grade level!), and her score in Listening is above average (she scored 91% higher than most 2nd graders-testing as a 3rd Grader in the 7th month of school). Her word Analysis is above average as well (she tested 99% higher than other 2nd graders nationally-testing at a 5th Grade 2nd month level).

We have always made reading a high priority and it really shows in her test scores! :)

What Emma has been reading this quarter:

Be Joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.  
2 Corinthians 13:11b

Monday, March 21, 2011

American Girl Birthday Party

 Birthday Celebration at American Girl
  Table Games
Doll Fun

Main Course
So Good :)
Happy Birthday
Cake & Ice Cream
 Emma and Lauren got their doll's ears pierced!
What a fun day!!
 We spent the whole day shopping at the Mall of America. Emma found some really fun things-she had saved most of her birthday money to take with. They were excited to find out that Jennette McCurdy (Sam from I Carly) was performing that night so they had a great time watching her :) 
When we were finished shopping we left the Mall and headed to my brother Adam and Sister in Law Jill's house. They are always so welcoming and we really enjoy the time we spend there! We ordered Domino's pizza (we really miss having a Domino's- I forgot how good their pizza is!) and the girls hung out and played with their dolls. It was such a fun trip and again a great distraction for the girls and I as we had just dropped Jason off at the airport the morning we left for Minneapolis. This goodbye was extra hard because we knew exactly what we were going to be dealing with. The good news however is that we are so much closer to him being home for good! :)

I would like to ask that everyone keep praying for Jason-for his safety and for him to keep his mind from distractions. To keep himself focused on his missions and for time to go by quickly. I could also use some prayers for myself :) Specifically for patience and keeping my focus on the big picture. Sometimes I get so focused on the little things, the everyday struggles, that I lose sight of what is really important. Thanks so much!

You should try as much as you can to add these things to your lives...kindness for your brothers and sisters in Christ.
2 Peter 1:5-7

Water Park of America & Hotel

Emma chose to have her 8th Birthday Party at the American Girl Store with a few of her friends. We went during Spring Break and left Wednesday morning. Our original plan was to stay at my brothers house in Minneapolis while we were there but last minute I made reservations at the Water Park of America Radissan near the Mall of America. We had never been to this hotel/water park making it an even more fun surprise! When we arrived in Minneapolis I acted like I was lost and when we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel they all were saying "I wish we were staying in a hotel" and after a few minutes I told them the surprise-they were ecstatic! Even more so when I drove by and showed them the Hotel had a  Water Park! :)

The hotel was awesome! Another few surprise awaited them when we arrived to our roomEmma has been asking for bunk beds for quite a few months now and our room had them-they had lots of fun trying them out! :)
Our room also had a balcony overlooking the Water Park!
The Water Park
 Having some fun!
Wave Pool
Snack Time :)
Hanging Out

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart and tell about the wonders you have worked. God Most High, I will rejoice, I will celebrate and sing because of you. Psalm 9:1-2